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Give Yourself the Best of You: Building a Stronger Connection to Your Sense of Self


  • Brief overview of the importance of having a strong relationship with oneself.

     Do you ever feel like a visitor in your life? Without a relationship with yourself, it is hard to trust or make decisions and know your needs or even know what makes you happy in life. You might find that you compare yourself to others or even judge yourself unfairly with criticism or try to please others while neglecting your own needs. To get comfortable in your skin, begin experimenting with the following prompts. See what resonates.

     Morning Practice

    1. When you wake up, drink some water and begin belly breathing in through your nose, expand your belly, and exhale slowly through your mouth like you are blowing through a straw. (5 to 15 minutes) 

    2. In the morning, scan your body, noticing what you are feeling. Then ask yourself what do I need today to feel at peace? (5 minutes) 

    3. Practice gratitude by writing down three things you are grateful for or list what you love most about your life. 

  • Seasonal- Wake, make your bed, dress, and go outside look at the sky, and gather flowers from your garden. Put them in a bud vase to enjoy.

    Clarify what makes you unique.

    4. Write down your values and internally ask if you are aligned with them. Remember, what you give time to is what you prioritize (ask the therapist for a values sheet if needed).

    5. What do you like about you? Write three things. 

    Manage Stress

    6. Set an intention for your day to help guide your choices. 

    7. When you feel stress, notice it. Ask inside what you are feeling and what you need. 

    8. Give yourself a butterfly hug for relaxation and comfort or ground by feeling your feet on the floor, notice four things you see, three things you hear, and 1 thing you smell.

    9. Start a new hobby, exercise, walk, swim, listen to music, sing. 

    10. Validate yourself when you accomplish a challenging task. 

    11. Journal about what you would like to accept about yourself with loving kindness. Surrender what you cannot change.

    12. Ask yourself what is right and true for you. When you catch yourself comparing or being hard on yourself, stop and challenge your negative thoughts. 

    Wind Down Each Night for Sleep

    13. Create a bedtime routine to allow your body to prepare for sleep. 

    14. Do a guided meditation or outward-focused meditation. 

    Reminders and Reassurance

    15. When you doubt, worry, or feel alone, notice your breath and presence, knowing that you are not alone. You always have you, and you will never leave! 

    16. Remind yourself that you can do hard things. 

    Affirmative Self-acceptance and Journaling

17. Write with kindness about aspects of you.

18. Identify and counter negative self-talk, especially during comparisons.

19. Engage in meditation to foster peace and focus.

20. Butterfly hug! Practice this comforting gesture to enhance relaxation.

Community and Connection

21. Acknowledge the importance of connecting with others for fun, friendship, and during challenging times.

22. Remind yourself that you can do hard things and have already overcome challenges in life.

23. Take an activity class, be creative, and have fun.

Conclusion: You Matter!

  • Encouragement helps to start building a stronger connection with oneself today.

  • Reminder of the ongoing journey towards self-discovery and acceptance.

  • Find your worth and value in practicing self-love and understanding.


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